Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Here is a 6" pot I painted.  I have to thank my friend Karen Taylor for the inspiration.

I wanted to do this in May and then again in June but, I have done neither, I keep forgetting about it.

Big sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mini Album

Several months back, I started my first mini scrapbooking album.  I really like this concept and have many mini album ideas running through my head however, I have a procrastinating problem.  I think about all the things I want to do, I research and gather information, I purchase the products, then...........................the products and information lay in my room and I sit on the couch playing on this silly computer.  I have a computer and t.v. in my room, I can play in there, I need my motivation to kick my butt and get me restarted :) . 

Alas, I digress, this isn't a blog about my procrastination, it is a blog about my first mini album.  The mini album is a paper bag album idea that I picked up off of youtube from Laura of Following the Paper Trail (I think).  It has a Cayman Island theme and I am using photos that I took while we were on our excursion to Cayman during our cruise.  The album came together quite nicely as far as just putting the bag together, etc...  I picked some great papers to use... I cut tags to put into the bags and behind photos...  I glued in the papers and photos... I FORGOT TO ADD MY EYELETS AND BRADS BEFORE I GLUED THE PAPERS AND PHOTOS IN, whimper.  I know better.  Now, I am having a hard time staying with the album to complete it.  I am so disappointed.  ...SIGH

I am not a quitter, I haven't started any other mini albums because I haven't finished my first one.  I AM GOING TO FINISH IT.  I just need to add a few more photos, no I will not add brads and eyelets to them before I glue them because it would make thing out of sync or not balanced, and the rest of the embellishments.  I will finish this in the next week or two BUT, I now feel like I can at least start building my next mini album.

A Sooner's luv 4 Krafting doesn't always go right but it goes.... ;)

I will add some pictures soon.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I need to.....

Upload some photos of some of my past projects....I think I will put that on my to do list for tomorrow evening.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Craft Channel

I can't wait to check this channel out.  You aren't going to find it on your t.v.  Nope, for some reason, the t.v. station owners have practically eliminated all types of crafting programs...including gardening.  I spend all kinds of time on youtube looking for crafting videos, it is going to be great to log-on and check-in to lots of crafting at one location.  I invite my friends and fellow readers to check it out.  My Craft Channel.
